New Principal for LP School

New Principal for LP School

  Sri. S Revikumar (Retired Headmaster of SNDP Sanskrit High School, Vallikunnam) has taken charge as the Principal of RVSM Nursery and LP School today. He has 30 years of experience as a Mathematics teacher and retired as Headmaster on 31 May 2019. Sri Revikumar...
Meet the Student Leaders

Meet the Student Leaders

    Meet the student leaders from Standard V to +2. Students of each class elect their leaders. And the class leaders constitute the student assembly. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected from among them. This year, the elections were held using...
‘Vidya Samunnathi’ scholarships for HSS students

‘Vidya Samunnathi’ scholarships for HSS students

Online applications invited from eligible students of Higher Secondary for Vidya Samunnathi Scholarship (2019-20). Applicants should first register with the Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities. They may use the Registration Number to submit online...
Digital Magazine from Little KITEs

Digital Magazine from Little KITEs

  The students enrolled in Little KITEs IT Club brought out a 63 page digital magazine. The concept, texts, editing, lay-out, design and page-setting were done by the members of the IT Club. The Club provides training to the students in Graphics, Multi media,...
Short Film on Drug Abuse by our students

Short Film on Drug Abuse by our students Our second year (A2) students of Higher Secondary wing, created a short film on – Drug Abuse – as part of their English seminar, motivated by Ms. Kiron, HSS Teacher....