Jan 13, 2021 | News & Events
Coaching camp to commence on 1st February 2021. Contact the School Office for Registration Form and Consent Letter during working hours. Alternately, you can have it from the Downloads menu of this website.
Sep 24, 2020 | News & Events
Launched on 24 September 1969, just one week ahead of the Birth Centenary of the Father of Nation, the National Service Scheme under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports of the Government of India is the unique platform of the youth who believe that the welfare...
May 31, 2020 | News & Events
1st June 2020: Historic day for RVSM Higher Secondary School as three women teachers take charge as heads of Higher Secondary, High, and LP sections. Ms. G Jayasree, Ms. P Maya, and Ms. L Sreelatha are promoted as Principal (Higher Secondary), Headmistress (High...
May 21, 2020 | News & Events
Admissions to the High School, Nursery & LP sections of RVSM Higher Secondary School (2020-’21) are now open. Click on the links provided below to open the Application Form. Kindly fill in the required fields of the Application Form. Check for correctness by...
Apr 28, 2020 | News & Events
Life in the time of Corona is totally different. Some find it frustrating and for some others, it is the time of creation. While keeping indoors for an endless lockdown, they find time to bring back the talents they have once nurtured. Some found to help...